saab 9-3 2.0t 2003 129kw ecu problems

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Postitusi: 4
Liitunud: K Jaan 22, 2025 17:56
Asukoht: Lasnamae
Auto: 9-3


hi recently car started to live its own life, different codes, missfires and refusing to start, got it to mechanic and they told me its most likely ecu, i wonder where can i repair it in tallinn?
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Postitusi: 1230
Liitunud: P Apr 22, 2007 9:48


Either get a used ecu that probably nobody will give any warranty on or send your ecu to this company
And buy a ecu relocation kit from maptun and forget the ecu problems in the future.
Postitusi: 4
Liitunud: K Jaan 22, 2025 17:56
Asukoht: Lasnamae
Auto: 9-3


saabu14jr kirjutas: K Jaan 22, 2025 19:28 Either get a used ecu that probably nobody will give any warranty on or send your ecu to this company
And buy a ecu relocation kit from maptun and forget the ecu problems in the future.
yes, im considering buying a new one, because i dont know if its possible or worth restoring the old one, what about maptune ecu’s? they’re cheaper, but should i risk 100€?
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Saabiklubi liige
Postitusi: 1230
Liitunud: P Apr 22, 2007 9:48


turito kirjutas: N Jaan 23, 2025 2:46
saabu14jr kirjutas: K Jaan 22, 2025 19:28 Either get a used ecu that probably nobody will give any warranty on or send your ecu to this company
And buy a ecu relocation kit from maptun and forget the ecu problems in the future.
yes, im considering buying a new one, because i dont know if its possible or worth restoring the old one, what about maptune ecu’s? they’re cheaper, but should i risk 100€?
I dont see any problems with the maptun version. The repair company is still the same german company.
Postitusi: 4
Liitunud: K Jaan 22, 2025 17:56
Asukoht: Lasnamae
Auto: 9-3


saabu14jr kirjutas: N Jaan 23, 2025 9:23
turito kirjutas: N Jaan 23, 2025 2:46
saabu14jr kirjutas: K Jaan 22, 2025 19:28 Either get a used ecu that probably nobody will give any warranty on or send your ecu to this company
And buy a ecu relocation kit from maptun and forget the ecu problems in the future.

yes, im considering buying a new one, because i dont know if its possible or worth restoring the old one, what about maptune ecu’s? they’re cheaper, but should i risk 100€?
I dont see any problems with the maptun version. The repair company is still the same german company.
i found some swedish company (speedparts sweden ab) they offering to take my old ecu program everything to new one and sending me the new one while keeping mine, its half the price, im thinking about taking that gamble
Postitusi: 464
Liitunud: E Aug 13, 2012 20:33
Asukoht: Laagri / Saku / TLN
Auto: 1,5tk 9-5, 1+0,5+0,5tk Vectra2000, 0,8tk VW Typ1, 1tk KadettE GSI, 1tk M2140


If you are not actually keen on getting new or refurbished one, then why not make things cheaper way and purchase ecu locally + have it married with the car (requires tech2)?

Actually also the diagnosis you have may be incorrect - e.g. DIC and crankshaft sensor may cause similar symptoms (if not knowing, what is behind "different codes")
If I were you, I'd probably take the car to a place, that has Saab experience and can fix your car instead of providing assumed diagnosis. E.g. Ferdinand in Tallinn. In best case scenario they have also spare ECU to try.
You may find also alternative places. Forum topic for that is:

Edit: seems, that you are not the only one having similar issue at the moment. And looks, that these engine mounted (=hostile environment for electronics) ecu-s are indeed a depleting resource: viewtopic.php?t=28624
Liikvel 2025: punane 9-5 Aero ja talvepeetri-diislieksperimendina A6 C6 V6 quattro.
Ootel KadettE GSI, juba 2015a maalrist tulnud sinine '65 põrnikas, M21406 ja katkise vahekastiga Vectra 2000 4x4
Postitusi: 4
Liitunud: K Jaan 22, 2025 17:56
Asukoht: Lasnamae
Auto: 9-3


13piisab kirjutas: R Jaan 24, 2025 11:59 If you are not actually keen on getting new or refurbished one, then why not make things cheaper way and purchase ecu locally + have it married with the car (requires tech2)?

Actually also the diagnosis you have may be incorrect - e.g. DIC and crankshaft sensor may cause similar symptoms (if not knowing, what is behind "different codes")
If I were you, I'd probably take the car to a place, that has Saab experience and can fix your car instead of providing assumed diagnosis. E.g. Ferdinand in Tallinn. In best case scenario they have also spare ECU to try.
You may find also alternative places. Forum topic for that is:

Edit: seems, that you are not the only one having similar issue at the moment. And looks, that these engine mounted (=hostile environment for electronics) ecu-s are indeed a depleting resource: viewtopic.php?t=28624
the mechanics that i brought it too deal with saabs in the past but they not professionals with them, i was told that they checked everything that the codes was giving (1 code they couldn’t delete) and it was in perfect/good condition, so they checked forums to see whats happening and told me about ecu, i checked ecu myself yesterday, and it have signs lf repair, so i think its the ecu failing, i’ve tried to contact all local junk yards but they simply ignored me, or said they dont have trionic 8, so im desperate, car is working but poorly, last time i took it from the mechanics its struggled to get past 40km/h when i press gas more that little rpm just goes down and car shuts off